Our Grant and Sponsorship Programs: Supporting Community Efforts
Each year, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) supports communities across our state through its grants and sponsorships. We are proud that our community investments support the valuable work of many community-based organizations that contribute to a healthier Illinois.
BCBSIL COVID-19 Community Collaboration Fund
In February 2021, BCBSIL created a COVID-19 Community Collaboration Fund to release funding to community-based organizations with missions focused on Access to Health Care, Behavioral Health, Hunger, Shelter, and COVID-19 Health Literacy and Vaccine Outreach. The fund will release rapid response grants (at $20,000 per grant) to communities throughout the state.
The application is now closed. We will provide updated information about awardees later this spring.
Organizations working to improve community health and wellness may request sponsorship support from BCBSIL. Sponsorship awards are smaller than grants, ranging between $250–$5,000. Examples of sponsorship awards include galas, dinners, health fairs, luncheons, seminars, conferences, walks and/or runs and similar activities.
Please note: To increase the number of organizations who have access to BCBSIL community investment support, an organization may receive a grant or a sponsorship, but not both. Sponsorships do not require 501(c)(3) status. Requests must be made at least two months in advance of project or event.
Request for sponsorship consideration must be made through our online application
For questions about sponsorships, please contact Michael Attaway.
As of August 2016, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois is unable to fund organizations or projects that discriminate against individuals based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious creed, national origin, physical or mental disability, or protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
BCBSIL Grants: Two Funding Streams
In Illinois, grants are awarded to health and human service organizations with 501(c)(3) status. Funding is distributed through two separate funding steams: Healthy Kids, Healthy Families grants and Community Partners grants. Grants are for 1 year only. Organizations may apply through either funding stream, but not both. Funding is competitive, so organizations should assess alignment with each streams’ funding priorities.
Promotes health and wellness and disease prevention in the following ways: | Supports innovative direct service dedicated to advancing health system objectives: | |
Fiscal Year 2022 Application Process
Please check back later this spring for information about the FY22 Healthy Kids, Healthy Families (HKHF) grant, and Community Partners Grant (CPG) process. At this time, attention will be upon the COVID-19 Community Collaboration Fund. As information becomes available about HKHF and CPG, we will update it here.
For questions about grants please contact Kathleen Cangemi.